 Paintings Oil and acrylic on panel  Paintings Oil and acrylic on panel  Paintings Oil, digital photograph, collage, synthetic hair, metallic sharpie and My Little Pony figurines on canvas  Paintings Oil and acrylic on panel  Paintings Oil and acrylic on panel
 Paintings Oil, acrylic, sticker on paper  Paintings Acrylic, collage, glitter, sticker, conte, colored pencil on canvas  Paintings Oil and acrylic on panel  Paintings Oil, acrylic, collage, colored pencil, sticker, conte on paper  Paintings Oil, acrylic, conte and marker on matte board
 Paintings Oil and acrylic on panel  Paintings Acyrlic on paper  Paintings Acrylic on paper  Paintings Acrylic, marker, sticker and glitter on paper  Paintings acrylic on paper
 Paintings Acrylic, graphite, conte and sticker on paper  Paintings Acrylic and glitter on paper  Paintings Acrylic, glitter, conte, sticker, marker on paper  Paintings Acrylic and glitter on paper